Provider Name: | Temple Mill Primary School |
Provider Type: | Academy |
Service Description: | For further details regarding the school, click on the website link below.
Temple Mill Nursery (within Temple Mill School)
Service Description:
Temple Mill nursery is a school based nursery offering up to 26 places per session. The children at our nursery learn through play and their progress is measured using the early years curriculum. They have access to a rich environment both inside and outside the classroom.
Morning Sessions (Monday to Friday) • 8:45-11:45 Afternoon Sessions (Monday to Friday) • 12:15-15:15
Costs: £14 Per session (3 hours/morning or afternoon)
Telephone: | 01634 338200 |
Email: | office@templemill.medway.sch.uk |
Address: | Cliffe Road, ME2 3NL |
Distance From You: | Not Available |
Ofsted Reference: | 142394 |
Web Site/Timetable: | http://www.templemillprimaryschool.co.uk |
Age Groups: | 3 years to 11 years |
Daily Session Times: | - Monday: 08:45 - 15:15 Funded Places
- Tuesday: 08:45 - 15:15 Funded Places
- Wednesday: 08:45 - 15:15 Funded Places
- Thursday: 08:45 - 15:15 Funded Places
- Friday: 08:45 - 15:15 Funded Places
Costs: | Not Available |
Registered for 9m-2yr Old Funding: | No |
Registered for 2yr Old Funding: | No |
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding: | Yes |
Offers Extended Hours: | Yes |
Offers funded childcare outside of term time: | No |
Special Needs Area of Experience: | Autistic Spectrum Disorder Behaviour, Emotional And Social Difficulty Hearing Impairment Moderate Learning Difficulties Multi-Sensory Physical Disability Severe And Profound Learning Difficulties Specific Learning Difficulty Speech, Language And Communication Needs Visual Impairment
SEND Information: | http://www.templemillprimaryschool.co.uk/707/send-information |
Schools Visited: | Not Available |
Last Updated: | 20/08/2019 00:00:00 |