Provider Name: | Early Years Sen Team |
Provider Type: | Medway Service |
Service Description: | The Early Years SEND Team work with a range of children who have been identified as having complex additional needs.
The Early Years SEN Officers, who are the named contact for private, voluntary and independent settings and childminders, support children with a significant delay in two or more areas of development which may affect their learning from birth until they enter pre-school or school, whether they have a diagnosis or not. A child can be referred into our service following an assessment with the Health Visiting Team.
Alternatively, if your child attends a daycare nursery or pre-school, the SENCo at the setting may raise your child at a SENCo surgery with their allocated EY SEN Officer. Every referral is done strictly with parental consent.
The Early Years SEN Officers, offer a termly SENCo surgery and telephone support for PVI settings when required. |
Telephone: | 01634 334016 |
Email: | earlyyearssen@medway.gov.uk |
Address: | Council Office, ME4 4TR |
Distance From You: | Not Available |
Ofsted Reference: | Not Available |
Web Site/Timetable: | Not Available |
Age Groups: | Not Available |
Daily Session Times: | Not Available |
Costs: | Not Available |
Registered for 9m-2yr Old Funding: | No |
Registered for 2yr Old Funding: | No |
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding: | No |
Offers Extended Hours: | No |
Offers funded childcare outside of term time: | No |
Special Needs Area of Experience: | Complex Additional Needs
SEND Information: | Not Available |
Schools Visited: | Not Available |
Last Updated: | 02/07/2024 00:00:00 |