Medway Sendias

Medway Service

Provider details

Service Description:
Medway Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support service (SENDIAS) provides a range of free and impartial help to parents/carers, children and young people.

What we Offer

- Free impartial and confidential information, advice and support in relation to education, health and social care

- Support to express your views, wishes and feelings

- Support at meetings with schools and the Local Authority

- Help to complete SEND related paperwork

- Supporting young people up to 25 in their own right

- Signposting to other support services.

How to Access Our Service

As a parent, Carer or Young Person you can:
Phone or email our service directly for free impartial and confidential information, advice and support with any matters relating to Special Educational Needs or Disability within Education, Health or Social Care.

As a professional you can:

With the Parent/Carer and/or Young Persons consent you can make a referral to us either by phone or email.

We are also happy to offer other professionals advice and support in matters relating to SEND.

Please note: messages will be responded to within 48 to 92 hours.

Contact details

01634 566303
New Road Avenue,
Distance From You:
Not Available
Ofsted Reference:
Not Available

Childcare Information

Age Groups:
Up to 25 years
Daily Session Times:
Not Available
Not Available
Registered for 9m-2yr Old Funding:
Registered for 2yr Old Funding:
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding:
Offers Extended Hours:
Offers funded childcare outside of term time:
Special Needs Area of Experience:
Not Available
SEND Information:
Not Available

School Pickups

Schools Visited:
Not Available

FISD Update

Last Updated:
01/11/2022 00:00:00