The Samaritans Of Medway

Medway Service

Provider details

Service Description:
The Samaritans of Medway offer emotional support by telephone to the residents of Medway, Gravesham & Swale West 24 hours a day seven days a week. They are open to personal visits (no appointment required) at their centre in Priory Road, Strood between 9am and 10pm daily (please phone first). Every call is confidential, giving callers the time and space to work out the way forward. Please use the link below to access further information.

National phone line is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Personal visits at Strood address between 9am to 10pm daily but please ring first.

You can call The Samaritans anytime.

Contact details

01634 730981
Priory Road,
Distance From You:
Not Available
Ofsted Reference:
Not Available

Childcare Information

Age Groups:
Not Available
Daily Session Times:
Not Available
Not Available
Registered for 9m-2yr Old Funding:
Registered for 2yr Old Funding:
Registered for 3/4yr Old Funding:
Offers Extended Hours:
Offers funded childcare outside of term time:
Special Needs Area of Experience:
Not Available
SEND Information:
Not Available

School Pickups

Schools Visited:
Not Available

FISD Update

Last Updated:
01/11/2022 00:00:00